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A Moment of Your Time

Episode 25 - “Seen” by Kate Madigan

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A teacher's perspective. 

A statement from Kate: 

"This piece is dedicated to a former student who is struggling to stay positive in the face of multiple obstacles. Prior to the pandemic, concerns over her grandmother's health in Mexico, fears of how she would make it to college without the right documentation, and financial strain made life difficult. The pandemic multiplied those concerns and added the challenge of having to learn independently at home while also helping her two younger brothers complete their coursework. She has often felt hopeless and invisible, and I wanted more than anything to say to her, and all those feeling like her, you are seen.

I want everyone to know they are not alone, especially our undocumented brothers and sisters.

Thank you to the students at Kennett Middle School for continuing to inspire me every day."

Kate Madigan is a teacher and voiceover artist living in Wilmington, DE.  She has spent the last 20 years being inspired by the youth at Kennett Middle School, and she is passionate about sharing her love of both written and spoken word artistry.



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