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Episode 27 - Wayne Carini from

'Chasing Classic Cars' and

F40 Motorsports 

Wayne Carini, host of 'Chasing Classic Cars' on television and owner of F40 Motorsports joins Robert Ross (online) to discuss Wayne's talent for locating and restoring classic cars as well as his thoughts on the changing car collector industry. 

After a brief introduction, Robert asks Wayne to go back to the beginning and share how his love of cars began and his unique history with the Model A (1:29), before honing in on what drives Wayne as he hunts for classic cars and some of his favorite stories about the people he's met (4:38). Rober then turns the conversation to Wayne's show 'Chasing Classic Cars' and how he approaches buying and selling automobiles (7:54), along with one of the most exciting discoveries he ever made (10:56). Robert shifts gears to ask about the origin and success of F40 Motorsports and has Wayne walk us through what a restoration actually entails (14:13), then highlight some of his favorite restorations and a special showcase Wayne had at Pebble Beach (16:46). 


After a quick break, Robert asks which cars are Wayne's favorites to drive and discuss the recent line-up from Corvette (19:36), then Robert asks for Wayne's advice on buying collector cars--from 'cars to avoid' through 'how to approach restoration' (24:03). Then Robert turns the conversation to the future of collectible cars and how the 'new normal' may change the auction industry (29:59). Finally, Wayne considers the next generation of automobile enthusiasts and how to excite that passion in younger generations (33:24).


Learn more about Wayne:




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Hosted by: Robert Ross

Produced & Edited by: Chris Porter

Sound Engineering: Michael Kennedy

Theme Music By: Celleste and Eric Dick

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