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Episode 51 - Trump’s Abuse of the Constitution: with Dean Erwin Chemerinskyy


Can Trump pardon himself for crimes he hasn’t been charged with? Why did Texas sue 4 other states? Will Attorney General, Ken Paxton get a pardon, too? Dean Erwin Chemerinsky returns to discuss the constitution and recent Supreme Court rulings regarding the 2020 election.

Why has the constitution failed? Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, one of the country’s preeminent constitutional law and federal civil procedure scholars and frequently argues appellate cases, including in the United States Supreme Court, returns to discuss the constitution and recent Supreme Court rulings regarding the 2020 election. Our host, Bill Curtis recites political poetry, revisits a few SCOTUS decisions, and asks Professor of History and Pulitzer Prize winner, Ed Larson, can Trump pardon himself for crimes he hasn’t been charged with? Why did Texas sue 4 other states? Will Attorney General, Ken Paxton get a pardon, too? 


Opening statement: BC talks about a Texas case to sue 4 other states over the recent election.

3:28 EL gives a background of our constitution, its checks & balances, and how Trump has abused our founding father’s document.

7:20 m EC gives a basic summery of the US constitution’s “checks and balances”, and the fact that President Trump has failed to honor it.

8:30 EC gives his summary of the SCOTUS’s role in the foundation of the constitution. He also goes on to say that our constitution assumes good faith by our officials.

11:05 BC asks about the Texas case. EC confirms that our constitution has not been compromised by our SCOTUS. Like it or not, Joe Biden won.

 13:35 BC asks if the recent rulings from the Supreme court isn’t looking for ways to suppress voters.

14:00 EC has confidence that the Supreme Court will not disenfranchise people.

14:20   EC explains the Purcell Principle.


16:16 BC with a poem about a Thanksgiving ruling on religious gatherings. EC then goes on to explain the poem’s subject in a deeper manner. He also explains the difference one SCOTUS appointee makes.

17:28 BC points out the difference one judge makes

17:58 BC moves to ACA and the mandate

21:12 BC with a Lightning Round about Robo Calls, El Paso VS Trump on The Wall and deployment of funds, Trump VS Knight about the 1st amendment and Twitter regarding announcing official policy. Trump VS Vance about financial records, campaign violations, and Stormy Daniels.


26:10 BC asks the details and meaning of the VP presiding.

27:26 BC asks about Georgia and the senate seats. When will Kamala have an influence over this situation.

28:49 BC asks about the pardoning himself

30:20 BC trivia about the constitution and predictions

33:53 Second poem on vaccines and the need to continue wearing your mask


Follow Us on Twitter: @politicsMMITM

Hosted by: Bill Curtis, Jane Albrecht, and Ed Larson

Produced by: AJ Moseley

Editing and Sound Engineering by: Joey Salvia

Theme Music by: Celleste & Eric Dick

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